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Sesame: a great ally to good health!

A tasty and much appreciated seed, sesame has been used for millennia in medicinal, aesthetic and culinary matters. He is very small, but giant in nutritional matters. Today, we are going to analyze the benefits and ways of consuming sesame:

1) Rich in antioxidants! The antioxidants present in sesame help cells to prevent damage caused by free radicals, as well as helping to protect the heart, premature aging of the skin, among others. 2) Blood pressure! The seed can help reduce blood pressure and the buildup of blood plaque in the arteries.

3) Slimming! It helps keep the colon healthy, as it has fibers responsible for good digestion and weight loss, keeping you fuller for much longer. 4) Healthy Bones! Due to the large amounts of calcium and phosphorus present in its composition, sesame prevents degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, maintaining a healthy bone structure. 5) For Diabetics! Amazingly, sesame is a great choice to prevent diabetes. This is due to its magnesium content, the lack of which can cause the disease.

How to consume? It is very easy to consume sesame, despite its striking flavor, it is suitable for several types of recipes: 1) Tahini: The famous sesame paste, with which you can make hummus, another very popular paste. 2) Salads: Sesame is even tastier when combined with salads, it provides flavor and crispness to lettuce, tomato, cucumber.. 3) Meats: The sesame is perfect when combined with some meat, especially salmon...the sesame crust provides flavor and a lot of crunch.

4) Pecan Nuts with Pecanobre Sesame! Did you know that in our gourmet line we have pecan nuts with demerara sugar and sesame? Yes, it is very tasty and nutritious, as the benefits of nuts complement those of sesame.


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