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Flexitarianism and vegetarianism: what's the difference?

Currently, diets in which people do not eat meat or any other food of animal origin have gained considerable popularity. These diets are aimed at sustainability and eliminating animal exploitation and cruelty. Here are some of these famous diets that have been widely adopted these days: Vegetarianism! Vegetarianism is a lifestyle that is based on consuming only plant foods. Being rich in protein, carbohydrates and fiber, this diet provides several benefits. There are several types of vegetarianism: Ovolactovegetarianism : in this group, people exclude all types of meat, but continue to consume eggs, milk and dairy products; Lactovegetarianism : in this group, neither meat nor eggs are consumed, however, milk and dairy products continue to be consumed; Strict vegetarianism: in this group no food of animal origin is consumed , it is often confused with veganism *. *Excludes from routine and life any product that is sourced or tested on animals (meat, woolen clothing for example, cosmetics, etc.), avoiding as much as possible all animal exploitation and cruelty.

Flexitarianism! The flexitarianism in turn is as its name says, more flexible. This diet is adopted by people who want to stop, or reduce, the consumption of meat, but do not completely cut their diet. The focus of the menu is on vegetables, fruits, vegetables and legumes, with meat consumed only a few times and sugar limited. This lifestyle has many health benefits, since it reduces the consumption of some foods that are not so good for us.

The new styles of food are very healthy and help to conserve the environment, as the increase in meat production has led to the opening of new fields, causing deforestation, the emission of polluting gases, among other problematic situations. Opening your mind to new possibilities is even more liberating when you know the benefits it will bring to everyone!

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