Ingredients: 400 grams arugula 30 grams red onion 20 ml balsamic reduction 30 grams caramelized almonds 50 grams goat cheese 2 grams salt
Caramelized Almonds: 300 grams almonds in shell 45 grams sugar 60ml water 20 ml of honey
Preparation mode: Caramelize the almonds and reserve. Roast the whole onion, wrapped in aluminum foil between the coals of the barbecue for 40 minutes. Wait to cool, remove the peel and cut into 6 parts. Loosen the petals by removing the membrane that covers them and refrigerate. When serving, place the arugula leaves in the center of the dish, place small pieces of cheese on them and alternate with the onion petals between the arugula. Break the almonds and place them at random. Finish with balsamic yarn reduction and serve. Caramelized almonds: Roast the almonds on a baking sheet in a preheated oven at 200 ° C for 5 minutes. In a saucepan, mix the sugar, water and honey and stir until completely dissolved and browned. Add the almonds and mix well. Transfer the mixture to a baking sheet previously greased with oil and bake at 180 ° C for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and pour on a sheet of greased parchment paper and wait for it to cool to separate them. Reserve in a pot with a lid and in a cool place.