In addition to being inexpensive and found relatively easily in bulk markets and stores, sunflower seeds are rich in nutrients that are good for the body. Sunflower seed is good for the intestine, heart, skin and even helps to control blood glucose, because it has healthy unsaturated fats, proteins, fibers, vitamin E, selenium, copper, zinc, folate, iron and phytochemicals. Just 30 g, the equivalent of a handful of seeds per day, is a great way to supplement your diet in general. These seeds can be easily consumed mixed in lettuce salad or fruit salad, in vitamins, beaten in juices or integrated into the pasta. In addition, they are found with or without shell, raw or roasted with or without salt and you can buy sunflower seeds in supermarkets or health food stores. Another form of consumption is in the form of oil, which contains several benefits as well, such as protecting cells against aging. Some of the benefits of sunflower seeds: -Protects cardiovascular health; -Helps to fight constipation; -Increases muscle mass; -Prevents premature aging, etc.
It is important to note that the consumption of sunflower seed must be carried out without peel: studies have already shown that the peels can stick to the fecal cake, causing damage to the intestine. In addition, the seed contains cadmium, a heavy metal that can accumulate in the body causing kidney damage. However, you need not be afraid: consuming one serving of sunflower seeds per day will not generate cadmium poisoning. So you just can't overeat, like, for example, several handfuls a day. In our products you can find sunflower seed in salted granola without oats